Orient Lodge # 395 A.F. & A.M.
1312 Shipyard Blvd.
Wilmington, NC 28412
(910) 392-9288
Masonic Appendant Body
Fun-Loving group of masons who do seriously good work for Burned and Crippled Children
Grand Chapter Order of the Eastern Star
This order is an Adoptive Rite of Freemasonry and is for Women Related to Master Masons in good standing and for Master Masons also
A Leadership School for Masons in North Carolina
Orphanage for Children
Assisted Living for our Brothers and Sisters
News Letter sent out by the NC Grand Lodge
List of Famous Master Masons (Listed Alphabetically A thru L)
Great Site to track and locate Lodges across the US
Great Organization for Young Men from ages 12 to 21
Guide to Understanding Freemasonry
Great Organization for Young Women from ages 12 to 21
One of our District 12 Brothers located in Burgaw N.C.
One of our District 12 Brothers located in Wilmington N.C. and the First Lodge in North Carolina
One of our District 12 Brothers located in Southport N.C.
Web Master - Caroline Szakasits
One of our District 12 Brothers Located in Wilmington N.C.